"Keep The Secret"/How can I know God?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Update on Grandpa 5 by Crystal

Grandpa's blood is finally co-operating :-). Praise the Lord it is thinning, now like it's supposed too. From Nov. 20-24 he was on an anti-coagulant that was administered via injection. Prior to his release the nurse showed me how to administer it so I could continue it at home until his blood his began co-operating with the Cumaden.

Now, not only does he have to watch sodium, and fat intake, but also foods that promote blood clotting. Foods that contain vitamin K, like dark green leafy vegetables. He can have iceberg lettuce, but then again, it doesn't have any nutritional value worth speaking of! He was sent home with a whole list of foods that he can't have & shouldn't eat that promote blood clotting. It seems odd to me that he was not also provided with a list of helpful blood thinning foods or nutritional supplements. Someone recently sent me a short article that suggested cinnamon & honey as a possible remedy. A tiny research revealed that cinnamon is a blood thinning spice. Some other foods are garlic, onion, ginger, peppermint, feverfew, berries, fish oil & licorice. Another article included honey, too. Taken internally, so is cayenne pepper, while applied externally it can stop bleeding. The Lord knew what He was doing when He gave us so many nutritional foods.

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