"Keep The Secret"/How can I know God?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Speech Contest, Post 2

Mom's speech went pretty well. God answered our prayer that

she would do her best and would come in under time.
She didn't place,
but that's okay because she did do her very BEST and

that's what counts. "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to

the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall

receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord

Christ." Colossians 3:23-24 Mom demonstrated diligence which

could be seen through the time she spent revising, memorizing,

and practicing her speech.

Much thanks goes to Dorene Braun, Mom's fellow Toastmaster,

who spent many hours helping her refine the speech

Dorene's valuable service was encouraging by her

self-lessness and willingness to point out many ways of

improvement. Without her aid, the

speech would not have attained the quality that it acquired.

Pictures of the Humor Contest:

Top Picture: Program

Second Picture: Mom Delivering Her Speech

Third Picture: Shelley being cute & adorable :-)

Fourth Picture: The Contestants of Speech

Contest (left to right)

Stan, John, & Kate

Bottom Right: Mom with her certificate of


  1. Awesome job Kate and great pics...

  2. Great Job, Kate! I konw this was a struggle for you, and because of you, I think I'm going to join toastmasters....so that I can get prepared to share my story.

    Shelley is gorgeous as ever.....someday she and Gabe need to meet - nothing serious, just friends of the family, ya know! ;-)
