"Keep The Secret"/How can I know God?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Loving the Lord by Crystal

"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all they strength: this is the first commandment." Mark 12:30

Imagine it is your wedding day and you have planned an outdoor wedding out in the beautiful countryside of your parent's home. This is the day that you have waited and dreamed about your whole entire life.

One major problem: rain. What would be your attitude & response?

Recently I attended the wedding of some very dear friends. The above scenario actually happened. As a guest I wondered what was going to happen. Would the wedding be moved elsewhere? If so, where? Or would we wait until it stopped raining? Later I found out that someone had suggested a pavilion at a nearby park that would only cost $20, the father of the bride responded in faith: "I think everything is going to turn out all right". He, the bride, the groom, and their families were all willing to wait on the Lord. They did not wait with a grumbling attitude. Instead, they waited in full trust that the Lord was in control of the situation and would do what was best. Groom & bride both waited with the right attitude and God was glorified. This was a demonstration of their love for the Lord and it was beautiful to behold.

After standing under umbrellas for a time fellowshipping with the other guests my family decided to dry some seats off and sit down while continuing the use of the umbrellas. Eventually I noticed a patch of blue sky off in the distance, "was it headed this way?" It was! Shortly thereafter, the rain slowed and then stopped. The sun began to shine and it turned into the most gorgeous day. The wedding began a little over an hour after the set time. With joy and trust in the Lord the groom stated to the guests, "We thought the wedding was going to start at noon, but I guess the Lord had other plans".

It was a very God glorifying day. I found it to be a faith building experience to see a godly couple who both loved the Lord so much that even after waiting a long time for marriage; they loved the Lord enough to knowthat HE was in control in spite of the fowl weather. It was actually a wedding that was so focused on the Lord that I felt it prepare us for Sunday worship the following day.

Part of loving the Lord is being willing to wait on Him and for His perfect timing. This goes very much against our fleshly desires to have everything instantly at our disposal. When we do not get what we want or things do not happen the way we think they should it is easy to let ungodly attitudes take over our demeanor. It is inconvenient to wait, but it is such a demonstration of our love for Jesus, to overcome our own desires and desire what the Lord wants.

What would have happened if the groom or bride had displayed wrong attitudes? Anyone would understand and sympathize with a disappointed groom/bride over the fowl weather. The fowl weather was a "test". It was as if the Lord was saying, "Are you going to keep your focus on Me? Do you trust My timing?" They could have allowed the rain to cast a shadow on the wedding. But that would have been failing the "test". It would also have taken glory away from the Lord. Instead, they displayed a trust in the Lord by right attitudes, and God got the glory.

Now back to the question at the beginnig of this article. What would have been your attitude & response? What is your attitude when things "go wrong"? Do you have a wrong attitude? Do you take glory away from the Lord? Or do you use unpleasant circumstances in life as a way to bring glory to God? This is one of the greatest ways to show your love for the Lord. When you respond with a right attitude, you bring glory to God. A wrong attitude takes away glory. Loving the Lord is making sure HE gets all the glory.

"I am the LORD: that is My name: and My glory will I not give to another,

neither My praise to graven images." Isaiah 42:8

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Movie "180"

Here is a link to thought provoking film that will only take 33 minutes of your time. Some scenes may be disturbing to some so viewer discretion is advised.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Walk for Life! by Crystal

Please consider sponsoring me to Walk for Life. It is a fundraiser for CareNet, a local pro-life ministry. Their direct link is: http://http://www.friendsofcarenetnn.org/

Donations can be made online: http://http://www.ministrysync.com/event/website/?m=685214

Jeremiah & Mom (with Shelley, of course!) are also planning to walk and taking pledges. They don't have a website yet, hopefully that will be coming soon. I will post their direct links as soon as they are available.

Thank your time and consideration!

Monday, January 17, 2011

God Said "No" by Crystal Thompson

This article has been sitting in my drafts since July, but I did not feel a release from the Lord to publish it until now.

At the end of May 2010 I was introduced to a nice guy at a friend's picnic. Towards the time that it was time to leave he made it known that he was interested in getting to know me better and asked if there was anybody he needed to contact. That was exciting! Nobody had ever asked to get to know me better before. I gave him Mom's contact information. They corresponded via e-mail & had a phone conversation. Finally this guy & Mom went to lunch. His intentions were to get to know me as a friend with the purpose of courtship. Then Mom invited him to dinner at our house.

I spent a lot of time thinking and in prayer. Above all else I wanted God's will to be done. At one point I wanted to know NOW whether the guy was 'the one' but God would not say either way. He told me "quite being so impatient, I'm not ready for you to know now". There were some personal lessons the Lord wanted to teach me through this.

When the fella came to dinner I had a really great time, but felt that something wasn't quite right. The very next day I went before the Lord about it, "What is it Lord?" Now God was ready to give me the answer! His answer was "no" to this relationship. I asked the Lord to confirm it... and He did! Not only that, but the Lord gave me a great peace & joy over not allowing the relationship to continue in the way that it was intended. That peace & joy I would not and could not trade for anything in the world! I also felt closer to the Lord. I hope we can be friends, but just friends - no intentions on courtship or anything along that line. I've been asking the Lord to bless him with finding the right girl soon and that God would give him a spirit of understanding.

"What a fellowship, what a joy divine,
Leaning on the everlasting arms;
What a blessedness, what a peace is mine,

Leaning on the everlasting arms.

Chorus: Leaning, leaning,

Safe and secure from all alarms;

Leaning, leaning,

Leaning on the the everlasting arms."

By: Elisha A. Hoffman

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
May the Lord bless your new year with drawing closer to Christ.